About eBooks

What is an eBook?
An eBook is a digital format of a book and is usually in a PDF or ePUB file format.

What is an Audiobook?

An Audiobook is an mp3 or WMA file – the item record shows what device it is playable on.  If you are using the mobile platform, AudioBooks will not be available for download if your device is not compatible.

What can I read or listen to them on?
You can read/listen to an eBook from the Library’s collection on an eBook reader (like a Kobo), mobile device, or PC/Laptops.

Unfortunately Amazon Kindles are not compatible with our suppliers.

What software will I have to download?

Depending on your device you may have download Adobe Digital Editions, or the device’s authorised programme (e.g Sony Reader software) to your PC/Laptop. If you are using a mobile device you will need to download an app to enable you to read Library Ebooks.

Any software or app you download to borrow Library Ebooks will need to be authorised with an Adobe ID by completing a brief online form, and then registering your device. Devices may need to be plugged into a PC or laptop to authorise them. You may have multiple devices registered.


What is DRM?

DRM stands for Digital Rights Management.  DRM is technology used to protect the copyright of titles lent to library members.  It stops a title being shared copied or printed and is required by publishers.

Note: if logging in to Overdrive, you should use your library card number - don't add the B at the beginning.

Getting eBooks and AudioBooks

The library catalogue now contains our eBook collection.  Downloadable titles can be searched and downloaded from the catalogue and managed from My Account.  A normal search will include downloadable content, or you can search for downloadable content alone.



After a normal search, look for the format icons (red arrows in the diagram below) and then click the Download or Place Hold button (green arrows)

Format Icon

Or, after searching, limit your search by clicking on one of the Format or eReader limits at the left of the screen (see images and arrows below).

 Format Facet  eReader facet


Finding Just eBooks and AudioBooks

Before you search, select South Waikato eBooks & Audiobooks instead of Everything - see the image below:

Digital Catalogue

Place Hold

The majority of downloadable titles purchased by the library, just like print books, are single copies.  If the downloadable title you want is already checked out by someone else, you will need to place a hold.

1. Click on Place Hold

2. Enter your library card and PIN number

3. The email address presented is from your library card account.  You may change it, but, changing it here does not update your library account.

4. Click on Place Hold to complete the process and you should get a message saying “Hold placed      successfully”.


Download - Checking Out a Downloadable Book:

From your search results:

1. When you find a title you like, click on Download.

2. When presented with a choice, choose the format you prefer:

          EPUB uses Adobe Digital Editions

          PDF uses Adobe Digital Editions, Adobe Reader


          HTML or OverDrive READ uses your browser


          WMA or Windows Media Audio uses Windows Media Player


          MP3 uses any media player

3. If you plan to read or listen to the title on your PC/MAC, then open it with the appropriate program:

4. If you plan to read it in the OverDrive / Wheelers App:

          A.  When asked to Open or Save, click Cancel

          B.  The item is now checked out to you but not downloaded

          C.  Open the app on your device

          D.  Click on your library

          E.  Login and download the title

From your Holds:

When you get the email that your hold is available, go to the Hold List in your library account and click on Download next to the title.  Choose your format and click on Check Out.  Click Save to read it on your computer or Cancel to check it out without downloading it. You will have 72 hours after receiving the email to check it out.

Returning your EPUB eBooks and MP3 Audiobooks Early from the App (after downloading the title):

1. Open the OverDrive Media Console app. Find the book you would like to return early.

2. Tap and press on the title until a new menu pops up.

3. Tap Return/Delete. Then tap Return then Delete. The title will be returned to the collection and your account freed up to check out another eBook.

Returning a Downloaded EPUB eBook from a Kobo or Nook eReader:

1. Open Adobe Digital Editions and go to your Library.

2. To remove or return titles from your computer, click Borrowed under Bookshelves.  

3. Click Return Borrowed Item to return the eBook to your library and remove it from your computer. 

4.  To remove titles from your eBook reader, click on your device under Devices.

5.  Click Remove from Library to delete the eBook from your computer or device without returning it.

About Borrowing

What is the issue period?

7,14 or 21 days.

How many can I borrow?

Up to 5.

Why can't I borrow?

If you have fees and charges of $10 or more on your library card you will not be able to borrow.

My Account

If you have placed a hold or downloaded an eBook through the library catalogue, you will be able to see what you have on hold, what is issued to you (and the return date) and what you have already read in My Account.

Does it cost?

Titles are free to borrow, and there are no overdue charges as books are automatically returned.

What happens when the issue period is up?

Titles expire  automatically on your device, and then can be deleted.

If you finish an ebook, you can return it early using the library catalogue.

Can I put a hold on eBooks?

Yes. Titles can be requested.  You will be emailed when the title is available.

Go to our Overdrive website

Go to our Wheelers ePlatform